in the Beginning!

as told by The Kind B.tch

…there WAS - a landing page.

and IT!

is where we are.

. mhhmmm.

howdy & welcum, here are the terms of our Agreement:

  1. This is consensual. Meaning this relationship t’ween u.N.i is defined as being mutually respectful - We understand that ~ your atoms

    are my atoms

    and my atoms are yours

  2. We agree that these 3 statements are True and Together:

    1. Offense is a choice. Abuse is a choice.

    2. Discipline is Pleasure & vice versa.

    3. Pleasure is Activism.

  3. This is fun ~



here is what you can expect bc THIS is why you ARE h e r e .

  • lists

  • memes

  • links - lots of links

  • ramblings

  • visual experiments

  • invites & upd8s

  • resources & reminders



know ya numbas!! - 211 & 988

— NATIONAL NUMBERS: 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

DIAL 211 or 513-721-7900 to speak to a trained professional who can connect you to essential community services, a gateway to help. Our certified Care Coordinators are trained to listen, engage, ask questions, assess your needs and connect you to a community resource from our large database of local providers. Our database is more current than Google. Ohio is one of 3 states in the US where every county is not fully covered by the State. In Ohio/Kentucky we only serve the following areas: Adams, Brown, Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton and Warren Counties in Ohio; Boone, Campbell, Grant and Kenton counties in Kentucky.

211 provides non-emergency assistance. For emergency help, call 911. For mental health crisis support, call 988. ALL OF THESE ARE NATIONAL NUMBERS! The triangle of community care <3

THIS WILL ALWAYS EXIST IN EVERY LETTER BC KNOW IT SHARE IT USE IT LOVE IT YUM: Blue = life resources, pink = art resources, green = education / pdfs





i’m Sorry.

to the Earth, the animals, everyone i’ve 

ever killed

robbed threatened ignored & abused.

to every BEing i was rude

& denied You the life saving kindness - the Divine gift of Being Seen.

for playing active & subconscious

roles in oppression, genocide, hierarchies & shame politics.

i’m Sorry to my body

for ignoring & brainwashing her

doubting and training Us in & within fear.

for naming poison - candy

& ‘pain being relative’ as the brace to mold my skeleton.

To God for squandering mercy

& growing up into adulthood.

To my Mother for her sacrifice

-d prime 

To my Father for his regrets

made cavernous with each of my birthdaze.

To Both of Them - if they ever read this - i know you love me - that you are Proud of my birth - i Thank you - & i am Sorry. 


if you push the edges, they eventually consume the center.

whats the center if we're all just vibrating atoms en therez no lines in the universe anyway? 


  1. Artist x Community - Friday September 27th @ 6pm @ 911 Evans st. - kids welcome , smoke outside, byosnacks n bevs

  2. Potluck style Family Dinner - Monday October 14th @ 911 Evans st. doors @ 6:30, food @ 7 till ry=uns out ❤️ - kids welcome , smoke outside, byosnacks n bevs

C i a o ~ b e a u c o u p b i s o u s 😘 


or to participate.