everythang you want in life has teeth.

crying makes you beautiful.

9:46 PM - in my attic @ home. Sept 22, 2024.

Sun in Libra, Moon in Gemini - The Equinox & between eclipses. A cosmic closing & opening.

The beginning of this Libra eclipse season was during October 2023 and ends with another one this Oct 2nd. Libra is relationships and the scales of justice. South Node eclipses are about emptying out, a cleansing - a destabilization towards deeper more complete harmony - rebalance. What actually brings about justice?

12:35 PM - @ 1215 Coffee & Wine Lab. before a Black Caregiver Network (BCN) meeting. Sept 24, 2024.

Sun - Libra. Moon - Cancer.

i am transcribing a budding poem to start. i started this Sept. 13th @ the United Way here for Public Allies training - which i have words about/for, but that’ll be another day. But it’s all connected as you’ll come to see.

your atoms are my atoms.

there is always a path.

“wind does not dry” you do not exist in a vacuum.

“water does not wet” i am responsible.

i think of the Jaguar & her rose floret markings i think of the Salt that stings and nourishes i think of the loopholes exploited to justify affording what Presence “buys”, what Presence “affords”.

To toil is inherent in living; it is the baking of the cake.

To institutionalize is to suffocate, to unjustly amputate, to ruthlessly manipulate -

the Ones that bore Us.

my atoms are your atoms.

We are forever capable.

i feel like writin’ now. a ramblin’ ponderin’ essay.

Academic to be sure. Argumentative to a fault, Poetic by default.

“Art” - design, more accurately - has been the spearhead of Capitalist Imperialism and all his nasty incestual offspring (gentrification, racism, classism, green washing, spiritual bypassing, white saviourism, the forced creation of “White” in the first place, the reality of “third world countries”, exploitation..) since the Renaissance. Here’s what i mean:

First: “Art” is not art, is not Art.

  • “Art” = commercialized products, anything bought and sold (not traded), anything that solicits, advertises, or convinces towards a purchase. All design is “Art” - and i will be clear that this is a manifestation of evil to me. Evil is where love is intentionally rejected. Evil is everywhere but is not to be feared. Perfect love casts out fear - love, Being Whole, has no opposites. Anyway, [advertisement] is inseparable from [Othering]. Places like Hobby Lobby, culture resale stores (you know they go “somewhere exotic”, buy for cheap and resale for 4x the price and flatten ancestry into a boho Pinterest board), most galleries and institutions fall into this category as well. Most things we experience here in Amerikkka are “Art”. “Persuade with the Science of Consumer Psychology” foul a$* type beat. Spiritual bypassing, gaslighting, trend forecasting, tabloids, most contemporary cinema, coffee shops in church, “boys will be boys”, “I’m gonna die anyway”, hostile & brutalist architecture, the lasting impact of The Crusades, car-centric infrastructure, corporate personhood, civil asset forfeiture, places like the Louvre, Rijksmuseum, and British History Museum, MET, Fort Knox, are all the same - all rooted in this sugar-coated infantile self pitiful illusion of capital I Individualism. A paper thin facade of Righteousness to romanticize willful stagnation.

  • art = all free things, reciprocity (trades fall here), children's work, play, nature, compulsive making, the catharsis of creating, flow state, trash, serendipity, rainbows, a good meal, an enlightening conversation, Divine sex, smiles, a good death, healing - physical, mental and emotional, expansive connection, stories, and communal grief are all art. This is what Was, what IS - sans Society. Community - Indigenous Ubuntu & Uhuru - is not Society. This is not a romanticization of or a nostalgia for a time nearly forgotten. This is not Futurism. art is the antithesis of English. Music and Dance are born here. Community is rooted here. This is presence, Being, crafting in mutual understanding that neither exist without the other because all is one. My atoms are Your atoms. A phone is a rock is a glass is fire is the air. Humans craft identity here. For me, graffiti - specifically it’s relationship to the context of Imperialism Today - is the highest form of art

  • Art = this metaphysical idea of transcendence; of disruption to the point of a collective quantum leap. It is the grand experiment of Tao, balance, the alchemy that is Love - a constant, greedy explosion of star vomit and consumption. This is meditation, theophany, prophecies, Valhalla, intercession, miracles, The Fruits of the Spirit, enlightenment. The saying “ah, it was art” or “ah, it was just like art” refers to this idea. Mercy, quantum physics, philosophy (outside of the institution), practice, astrology and ancient things are truisms born of this…character trait of our Universe. The impetus to improve and maintain homeostasis, the compulsion to care - the very complexity of life is Art.

Oooohhh K - i expounded on some tings and made some edits, it’s Oct 1st, my month, i plan to post on the South Node eclipse in Libra tomorrow, the 2nd. right now i’m under a Libra sun, virgo moon and transcribing SOME of the insights from the Mercury cazimi —- a cazimi is an astrological term that refers to a planet's close alignment with the sun, which is believed to amplify and purify the planet's energy. The word comes from the Arabic phrase kaṣmīmī, which means "as if in the heart".—- Mercury is the planet of communication and is currently in Libra - we’re talking about relationships and justice - and Venus who is in-taking, rather than out-going, represents how we give and take love - she is currently in Scorpio, all about rebirth, transformation, alchemy and honoring the fullest self, so this transit is heavy on the internal world and then how, when, where, why we communicate that / relate to Outside. We’re talking about relationships and justice - we’re talking about Art. & instead of making a bunch of arguments, i’m going to do what i love and share some images of things that helped me think these thoughts and feel compelled to newsletter/make art in the first place :3

YouTube description: The Century of The Self - < 4hr documentary on Edward Bernays, Sigmund Freud, and the significant influences on 20th Century Human expression in the arenas of Corporations and Governments.

Essentially, Edward Bernays (with a small cadre of other experts) created the notion of weaponized Propaganda and Public Relations... both in service of the Corporate and Government sectors around the world. There are few people who have had more direct impact on mass consciousness, behavior, and control of both political and corporate narratives, than Edward Bernays. The core elements of his creation of Propaganda and Public Relations had immense and disempowering effect on the global populace, and an outsized enriching and empowering effect for his wealthy and powerful clients in government and corporations. It is safe to say that many of our global predicaments and the chaos in governments around the world have been aggravated if not caused by Bernays' methods. We are just starting to sense the immense cynical power of the combination of Bernays core methodologies with AI. There are many who say this combination will be the end of civilization as we know it. For more on this track you may enjoy our inclusion of some of this exploration in our online Introductory course for the Collapse-Aware and Collapse-Acceptant communities... Collateral Beauty. For a deeper dive please check out our Sense Making course. All of that can be found in our online Community Space, https://living-resilience.mn.co

a shorter synapse beloww but fr dont deny urself the pleasure of knowledge babyyy smooooch 

water ❤️ 

TED talks

i think about how the Renaissance was the ad campaign for Euro-Christian Imperialism and how that is repeated/ continued today with artists being the spearhead of gentrification and “urban planning”….i think about the true miserable genius that was Michaelangelo and i see his atoms in Harriett Tubman freeing slaves with metal in her head and shooting cryin’ babies for Hope and a Chance, and i think about how my momma came to me when i was 4 years old after a Revival and apologized for a spirit of rejection, cuz she had originally set to abort me. i think about how it was never a spirit of rejection, but the gift of Choice. i had such a personal moment with the ending of the Tom Robbins book “Still life with Woodpecker” - iykyk. oh that reminds me, in Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. DuBois, it explains all the weird political decisions and systemic choices that created the conditions i was born into, under and within - down to my exact neighborhood, and the house my great-grandmother share-cropped in and still doesn’t own. i hated feeling, once again, that i was robbed of knowledge. of understanding, of roots, tools and truth. All i craved was knowledge, i am competitive and have a marrow deep fierceness for life - and too many times in my life and primary education journey i was not only kept from the Whole story, but fed diabolically counter-productive misinformation. This is all by design (aka “Art”) - WHICH, bright side, is how i know “radical” change is possible, tangible and inevitable. i say “radical” - because that’s redundant to me AND English is such BS semantics and manipulative spelling curses that you can put “Natural” on a product fully made in a lab and its “legally sound”. - anyway - here are more links n tings :

Joy May Kill

TOO much good luck no less than misery

May kill a man condemned to mortal pain,

If, lost to hope and chilled in every vein,

A sudden pardon comes to set him free.

Thus thy unwonted kindness shown to me

Amid the gloom where only sad thoughts reign,

With too much rapture bringing light again,

Threatens my life more than that agony.

Good news and bad may bear the self-same knife;

And death may follow both upon their flight;

For hearts that shrink or swell, alike will break.

Let then thy beauty, to preserve my life,

Temper the source of this supreme delight,

Lest joy so poignant slay a soul so weak.

Michelangelo Buonarroti

_Becoming White Thesis_ Revisited.pdf612.23 KB • PDF File
Wynter-2003-Unsettling-the-Coloniality-of-Being.pdf599.89 KB • PDF File
Tsing-Arts-of-living-on-a-damaged-planet-_-ghosts-of-the-anthropocene.pdf21.88 MB • PDF File


Cincy Food not Bombs benefit show: Oct 5th @5:30pm @ dsgn cllctv - $10 entry

AxC (ArtistxCommunity) gatherings: Friday’s - October 11th & 25th @ 6 - 8pm @ 911 Evans st.

Family Dinner: October 14th @ 6pm @ 911 Evans st.

BLINK Renaissance Alley: October 18th & 19th , show at 7pm, in the alley of Madison & Crawford - Kungfood Amerasia in Covington KY.


— NATIONAL NUMBERS - 911, 211, & 988: 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

DIAL 211 or 513-721-7900 to speak to a trained professional who can connect you to essential community services, a gateway to help. Our certified Care Coordinators are trained to listen, engage, ask questions, assess your needs and connect you to a community resource from our large database of local providers. Our database is more current than Google. Ohio is one of 3 states in the US where every county is not fully covered by the State. In Ohio/Kentucky we only serve the following areas: Adams, Brown, Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton and Warren Counties in Ohio; Boone, Campbell, Grant and Kenton counties in Kentucky.

211 provides non-emergency assistance. For emergency help, call 911. For mental health crisis support, call 988. The triangle of community care <3



Sakina is an emergency contraceptive hub! @/NEAR DOWNTOWN: Plan B, condoms, dental dams, pregnancy tests, etc. FOR FREE! Email: [email protected] 

Follow @cincyccs on IG for community coalition updates and ways to assist those experiencing homelessness & displacement. The average age of homelessness in the US is 9 years old.

i leave you with a nugget of another insight i’ll continue to outline and weave in next time - denial is the first stage of Grief.

B3 G3ntl3

3v3rybodi3s Hurt

xoxo - SLiNK


or to participate.