are you Ready for your blessing?

Dec 22 @ 12:30pm

When i look into my future via daydreams, i see this:

This current ease.

Comfortable surroundings, gentle sounds of life happening - of others existing - of my non-solitude. In my space. The sun is shining in from my bedroom window in front of me with a cutie pale blue lace scalloped edged curtain over the top, but not draping down either side.

i don’t like dusting those.

They are pretty tho.

There is a large golden fan hanging on the left wall covering its width, beside the window and to the windows right is my dresser covered in accessories, products and trinkets - like my chest full of knives and spare lighters, or the stuffed purple “Talking Bunny” - it functions like the stereotypical “Talking Stick”. 

i feel gratitude that this is my life…..

i wonder why i was ever discontent….why scarcity ever had such a chokehold, how it still manages to seduce me now and again…i want to be rid of it completely. i burned it and other [things] i am releasing in a candle laid on my fresh altar last night. The night of the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. The wax poured all over and down onto my dancing heels and the fireplace, but i just laughed. It cleans up fine. A little tedious but im starting to see that all of life IS tedium and i think, well i have a hunch that, THAT is how…maybe its more accurate to say Where…Humor was born. 

It’s now 12:32 pm on Dec 22 , 2024. i like documenting things like that. 

i appreciate archives. i adore libraries. The whole concept of preservation feels correct to me. Not stagnation or unquestioned tradition simply for the sake of them though.

No, i’m not a fan of that. 


There is something honorable about commitment. But blind adherence? Never dissecting? Refusing to stop, review, process, apologize or mend errors? That seems so counterintuitive. Something counter to living….and no that’s not death - death is as much a integral part of life as breathing or birth. But i feel that, especially in this day and age where we have done so many unforgivable, unchangeable wrongs to one another in the names of Science, Religion, God, Progress, Peace, Hope, The Future, The Children - that there are no Great Lightning Bolts coming to strike the wicked down on sight. Or, perhaps it’s that the lighting strike typically looks like a promotion or monetary award/recognition followed by a few years, maybe even a generation of increasing wealth, but always paired with rapidly declining health, beauty, morals, shit personality and a total starvation of any genuine human connection. That’s what i mean when i say the meditation: No one suffers more than the illusioned. IRREGARDLESS! Or better yet, THEREFORE! The data doesn't support treating people like statistics. Nope. No siree. Business isn't as usual. It can't be. That's stagnation.

Terrible for ROI. 


  • the perversion of media and how it undermines revolution

  • how the media will never uplift what is meant to tear it down. To many brothers and sisters around the globe look towards the Masta’s house for salvation. White folks were the first house niggas. Self betrayal.

  • Whiteness is the flattening and amputation of self.

  • the homogenization of counter-culture into a consumer product - hot topic, cursed memes, even twitch/gamer underworld communities becoming a pathway to celebrity-ness. Luigi Mangione on a fast fashion t-shirt ad and a documentary out before the verdict not even 2 weeks after his arrest. At McDonalds. During a Gemini Full Moon. BIG Chatterbox Energy. Then every troll, influencer, faux regular person, podcaster, whoever tf used tf out of his # to get views. Bc capitalism & neo-liberalism has made attention yet another source of commerce. Type shit.

    Wildly on the nose. Nothing about this is new - in the 60s they said the revolution would not be televised.

  • Socrates warned about the written word because he said it would make lies permanent, weakens memory and hinders true understanding by relying on the external. 

  • Organizing is different than addressing a problem or meeting needs with direct service - organizing involves principles and unites differences. It is the opposite of denominations. It is the birthplace of tradition - of culture. Language. That is why communism is actually class consciousness - it is the organizing of labor. The longevity and wellbeing of living life as a human - that is what i’m organizing around. Christian principles - EarthSeed Books of The Living - Islam type shit. Shinobi - a way of life. Vegan, Rastafari, or living as a Shaolin monk. If a man does not have a cause he’s willing to die for, he is not fit to live - the Honorable (and non-violent) Martin Luther King Jr. said that.

    Because if life is about survival, you might as well die. You’re going to anyway.

  • Man cannot live on bread alone.

  • My people die for lack of knowledge.

It’s Jan 16th 2025 @ 6:18pm.

i’ve transferred the above text from a running doc i’d been working on since holiday break & am now typing directly into ye ol’ beehiiv editor. Maybe that context was grounding for you. Maybe now you’re distracted as shit. Fair enough. Let’s jump into global politics :3 The videos are organized by length, from 11 minutes to 90+. All centering around this institutionalized notion of “The West”.

In 20 minutes i have to catch my bus to martial arts class but do not fret - i will lay out my thoughts on the above information forthwith. Quick sidebar before i go, if any of you are gene-splicing people, i would really like to build a boyfriend from the wit/rugged weird artsy punk sexiness that is Noel Fielding, the intellectual cunning and passion of Jeffrey Sachs, the flavor & otherworldly beauty of Middle Eastern OR African men, and the jouissance of an Inglewood Papi - that’d be *chefs kiss*

Jan 19th @ 9:55 am

i have a focaccia proving for the 2nd time and pole flow with my girliegang - The RolliePolies - at noon. So i wanted to take some time to conclude this first newsletter of 2025. i’ve been formulating more of my thoughts around Art - specifically how i firmly believe Art is the engine, the capsule and the speartip of all social order. And thus Artists are the shapers of society. To me, ad makers and ad creators (as they are different) are class traitors just like cops. Maybe that pisses you off or confuses you so i shall remind you of this quote by Engles’:

The state is, therefore, by no means a power forced on society from without; just as little is it ’the reality of the ethical idea’, ’the image and reality of reason’, as Hegel maintains. Rather, it is a product of society at a certain stage of development; it is the admission that this society has become entangled in an insoluble contradiction with itself, that it has split into irreconcilable antagonisms which it is powerless to dispel. But in order that these antagonisms, these classes with conflicting economic interests, might not consume themselves and society in fruitless struggle, it became necessary to have a power, seemingly standing above society, that would alleviate the conflict and keep it within the bounds of ’order’; and this power, arisen out of society but placing itself above it, and alienating itself more and more from it, is the state.” (Pp.177-78, sixth edition)[1]

And maybe you’re like “SLiNK wtf that don’t make no type of sense - how does this have anything to do with Marxism?”

And i will say: i am not a marxist, but it is alllllll class consciousness luv. If the state is a construct, and it is, then so are all notions of nationality and/or homogeneity. Homeostasis is defined as balance and harmony achieved with diversity in support of the ecosystem as a whole - via the thriving micro ecosystems within it. Now, in the State as we know and experience it today in Western society - the individual or micro ecosystem sacrifices its wellbeing for the sake of the conglomerate aka a corporation or -ism (hence the birth of the foul and diabolical atrocity that is Corporate Personhood). Now, sure this can lead to immediate profit booms but there will always be dramatic crashes - because its unsustainable and a truly regressive and downright idiotic business “strategy”. But that is Capitalism. Capitalism is dependent on exploitation and Imperialism is the penetration of Capitalism into non-western economies in an effort to further exploit their labor, resources and culture. Neo-liberalism is this phenomena we see now where everything is a market, everything can be capitalized on. This started becoming more apparent via click bait, then people getting paid for being streamed (“liked”) by others, now we have disaster capitalism - rent skyrocketing due to natural disasters or pandemics, charging for bail, insurance in general (as they capitalize off the worst days of our lives or as we prepare for some disaster that we are constantly told could strike at any moment). Or how a blue-collar third generation welder could ever think a generational billionaire president could ever empathize with their life experiences or goals. This is class betrayal and it’s all rooted in miseducation and willfully erased context. So i argue that this all started with the Renaissance. There has always been classism. As tribal feudalism dominated the Ancient world, Europe destroyed and dominated itself - forcing their own rich cultures (while permanently excluding others like Russians, Armenians, Polish and Slavic peoples) into this weird disease called “Whiteness” and systemacizing it over centuries. But as the sun set on the middle ages, there formed a moment of hope - a trade outside of survival was formed. The Artist (wildly different from the artisan and for me, this is why i believe painting, as an artform not as a design or function, will never die but that’s another story for another time). So anyway, when artists began to sell not just their talents, but their souls for recognition and fame - but the double edged sword of that is they furthered the agenda of whatever kingdom they were subject to. Michael Angelo complained of this plight constantly and was hated by the church who exploited the hell out of his talent so they could brainwash the illiterate masses. Sounds exactly like graphic designs, ad creators, content creators, ad makers, advertisement professionals, mainstream journalists, vanity blog writers and those fucking spiritual by-passing, green-washing, neo-liberal, escapism terrorists that tell everyone to move to Thailand or Puerto Rico for their yoga retreat as they decimate the local economy and further the narrative of “If it gets hard - move.” narrative that has completely rotted away any concept of community in American society.

i can't remember if i’ve shared this with you already or not but idgaf here it is again bc it makes contextual sense & 2. i love Tom Robbins:

“The difference between a criminal and an outlaw is that while criminals frequently are victims, outlaws never are. Indeed, the first step toward becoming a true outlaw is the refusal to be victimized. All people who live subject to other people's laws are victims. People who break laws out of greed, frustration, or vengeance are victims. People who overturn laws in order to replace them with their own laws are victims. ( I am speaking here of revolutionaries.) We outlaws, however, live beyond the law. We don't merely live beyond the letter of the law-many businessmen, most politicians, and all cops do that-we live beyond the spirit of the law. In a sense, then, we live beyond society. Have we a common goal, that goal is to turn the tables on the 'nature' of society. When we succeed, we raise the exhilaration content of the universe. We even raise it a little bit when we fail.

When war turns whole populations into sleepwalkers, outlaws don't join forces with alarm clocks. Outlaws, like poets, rearrange the nightmare.

The trite mythos of the outlaw; the self-conscious romanticism of the outlaw; the black wardrobe of the outlaw; the fey smile of the outlaw; the tequila of the outlaw and the beans of the outlaw; respectable men sneer and say 'outlaw'; young women palpitate and say 'outlaw'. The outlaw boat sails against the flow; outlaws toilet where badgers toilet. All outlaws are photogenic. 'When freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will be free.' There are outlaw maps that lead to outlaw treasures. Unwilling to wait for mankind to improve, the outlaw lives as if that day were here. Outlaws are can openers in the supermarket of life.”

okay! That feels good for me 🙂 i’m gonna bake this bread, do my yin yoga and then go be sexyfunhotsauce with my good friends and go pet alpacas. Get ur life up Jit. xoxoxo

* Monday Jan 20th: Inauguration Day Protest in Cincinnati @ 3pm @ 1000 Main St. 45202 - goal: organize with other working class folks to protest against an undemocratic system.

* Friday Jan 24th: The State: A Critique on Policing Pt. 2 - Marijuana Justice hosted by Chelsea Higgs Wise ED of Marijuana Justice. ONLINE @ 6 -7:30pm

* Saturday Jan 25th: Peace Fest @ 6-11pm

* Sunday Jan 26th: Socialist Reconstruction Study Group @ 2pm - Free @ 4573 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati OH.

* February Family Dinner: 2/16 @ 6pm @ 911 Evans St. - Free! Potluck style ❤️ 


— NATIONAL NUMBERS - 911, 211, & 988: 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

DIAL 211 or 513-721-7900 to speak to a trained professional who can connect you to essential community services, a gateway to help. Our certified Care Coordinators are trained to listen, engage, ask questions, assess your needs and connect you to a community resource from our large database of local providers. Our database is more current than Google. Ohio is one of 3 states in the US where every county is not fully covered by the State. In Ohio/Kentucky we only serve the following areas: Adams, Brown, Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Hamilton and Warren Counties in Ohio; Boone, Campbell, Grant and Kenton counties in Kentucky.

211 provides non-emergency assistance. For emergency help, call 911. For mental health crisis support, call 988. The triangle of community care <3



1. Sakina is an emergency contraceptive hub! @/NEAR DOWNTOWN: Plan B, condoms, dental dams, pregnancy tests, etc. FOR FREE! Email: [email protected]

2. Follow @cincyccs on IG for community coalition updates and ways to assist those experiencing homelessness & displacement. The average age of homelessness in the US is 9 years old.

3.United Resource Connection Cincinnati -

4. Follow @cincyfnb (Cincy Food not Bombs), @peoplesjustice and @blackpowerinitiative - for more local mutual aid work, resources and ways to participate with $ or objects or presence! Open to ALL AGES, RACES, GENDER EXPRESSIONS - We all we got.


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Emergency Fund: - to apply or donate!


Call Blackline: 800-604-5841

Centers BI&POC, LGBTQ + Black Femme Lens

Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860 (US) & 877-330-6366 (Canada)

Run by and for Trans people

WIldflower Alliance Peer Support Line: 877-407-4515

Trained peer supporters

StrongHearts Native Helpline: 844-762-8483

Centering Indigenous Americans, Hawaii & Alaska Natives

Thrive Lifeline: 313-662-8209

Trans led and operated

LGBT National Help Center: 888-843-4564


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